Roundup: James Wood

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Poets and Writers has a searchable archive of contests, including a function where you can find fee-free ones. (like Greensboro Review)

Book Reviewers, not to be outdone by the hundreds of fiction contests, now have their own contest. Virginia Quarterly Review wants the best review of a book published in 2008 by writers under thirty. Winners (and perhaps the five runners-up) are published in VQR. The name, “Young Reviewers Contest,” makes it sound like the award is for tweens, but in the literary world, “young” is anyone under thirty-five.

Open Letters has a trifecta (1, 2, 3) of criticism on Evan Connell’s collected fiction, “Lost in Uttar Pradesh.”

After reading James Wood’s “How Fiction Works,” I’m starting to feel bad for John Updike, who is used as a primo example of how not to write in Wood’s section on authorial/character narration. The text in question, of course, is “Terrorist.” I still remember that Harper’s article that dismembered that novel piece by piece . . .

It is disconcerting to find that various individuals named “John Fox” have already published a young gay lover novel, texts on “nonparametric regression”, how poetry can heal, the historical “Trail of the Lonesome Pine”, an expedition through Manchuria and, of course, the book of Martyrs. Guess I’ll have to go with the John Matthew Fox approach.

Articles continue to pour in to eulogize Solzhenitsyn.

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