Literary AutoComplete

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A woman just used Google autocomplete to characterize every state in the nation.

The results are funny. The first one for Illinois is “Why is Illinois so … corrupt?”

According to autocomplete, Oregon is weird, rainy and liberal.

Georgia is hot, racist and boring.

So I decided to do the same for literature:

  • Why is my Nook so slow?
  • Why is my Kindle so dark?
  • Why is Jonathan Safran Foer a vegan?
  • Why is Stephen King a good author?
  • Why is Dan Brown a bad author?
  • Why is Dan Brown hated?
  • Why is Gabriel Garcia Marquez exiled?
  • Why is bell hooks not capitalized?
  • Why is J.K. Rowling estranged from her father?
  • Why did J.K. Rowling make Dumbledore gay?
  • Why do workshops work?
  • How do writers get paid?
  • How do writers make money?
  • How do writers make a living? (are you detecting a theme with writers?)
  • How do editors charge?
  • Why is an MFA a terminal degree?
  • Why is creative writing important for children?
  • Why is fiction good for you?
  • Why is fiction bad? (I feel bad for whoever asks such stereotyping questions. All fiction? Really?)
  • Why is poetry important in education? (Are they asking because they are skeptical of poetry’s value or because they believe it’s important and want to know why?)

Try your own literature questions and post below.

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