The Short Roundup

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One-of-a-kind stories inserted into bottles.

Speaking of stories in unique formats, check out this story by Gregory Norminton told in footnotes.

As mentioned on Critical Mass, when the nominees for Oscars were announced, nothing was mentioned about the original source of the films. Nothing about “The Bear Came Over the Mountain” by Alice Munro which was made into Away From Her, Oil! by Upton Sinclair made into There Will Be Blood, and No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, made into the movie of the same name. The omission is a rather depressing indicator of how little esteem Hollywood has for writers.

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Is McSweeneys challenging Granta for the role of literary soothsayer? (via The Literary Saloon)

Carolyn Kellogg, writing about AWP, mentions cheap canadian pharmacies online that during a 75 minute presentation by Joyce Carol Oates, Oates was able to “revise a short story, write a piece for Bookforum, give notes on two Princeton students’ manuscripts and finish a novella.” Ha!

More feedback about AWP, with a memorable quote from Steve Almond: “There’s one profitable short-story collection published a year, and Jhumpa Lahiri already wrote it.” Funny, tongue-in-cheek, but a barb of pessimism, too.

A semi-funny and mostly wise post on how to pick the right short story contest.

One of Miranda July’s short stories from Me and You and Everyone We Know is being made into a film.

Sony’s ebook store just started “stocking” short stories. Hope the Kindle is a bit faster on the uptake.

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