The newest edition of The Drawbridge is out, with the theme of Opulence. A BookFox favorite, Tobias Wolff, has a wet-hay-stacking short story, one of the ones included in “Our Story Begins.”
Also included is a story by the wonderful essayist John Berger, “Across Prison Walls.” (“Shit” might be one of my favorite essays of all time: just an honest, thoughtful examination of our feces, and how we treat them).
Every writer NEEDS this book.
It’s a guide to writing the pivotal moments of your novel.
Whether writing your book or revising it, this will be the most helpful book you’ll ever buy.
Or, if that doesn’t satisfy you, there’s also an offering from Daniel Alarcon (I’ve read “War by Candlelight” — and started his most recent novel “Lost City Radio”).
If you haven’t yet checked out The Drawbridge, their images and layout (especially in the print version) are rather brilliant. Risky, edgy photography, and each author photo has been sketched or painted. Well worth your time.
Every writer NEEDS this book.
It’s a guide to writing the pivotal moments of your novel.
Whether writing your book or revising it, this will be the most helpful book you’ll ever buy.