Articles about sex scenes in books usually fail in one of 3 ways. They often:
- Give such a short love scene that you’re begging for more
- Feature novels with busty men or bodice-rippers on the cover
- Offer sex passages from the classics (D.H. Lawrence, anyone?) that everyone knows and has already read.
The sex scenes below are literary fiction. But don’t run away! They’re really good sex and really good writing, and yes, those things can be combined. I’ll prove it to you.
Just read the first couple of excerpts below and you’ll find steamy, romantic, arousing sex writing. Writing that doesn’t make you cringe from bad prose. Writing that offers a number of pleasures to be had — psychological, word-play, beautiful descriptions. These are some damn fine love scenes in books.
Before we get there, a quick quiz: What is the difference between erotica and sex in literary novels?
In erotica, the sex is never bad.
It’s always vagina-blowing, cock-swelling fantastic.
But in the excerpts below, sometimes the sex scenes don’t go as planned, or one of the partners wants something he is not getting. It’s not all roses and multiple orgasms. In short, it’s more like the complexity of real life, which sometimes arouses you and sometimes depresses you.
Writers, read these sex scenes in books and learn! Don’t fall into the trap of writing terrible sex scenes and earn yourself a nomination for the Bad Sex in Fiction award. Glean from this wisdom. Study and prove yourself approved. As Steve Almond has recommended, if you want more insight into how to write sex, there’s no better text than the Song of Solomon.
I also have to make a pitch for a nonfiction work that features some of the sex scenes in books below: The Joy of Writing Sex. (For those of you who are old enough, that’s a clever play on the famous 1972 book, The Joy of Sex).
1. Michel Houellebecq, The Elementary Particles
“He arrived at the shower block, Body Space 8. He had more or less resigned himself to the women being old and decrepit and was taken aback to see teenagers. There were four of them near the showers, all between fifteen and seventeen, opposite the sinks. Two of them wore bikini bottoms and waited as the other two played under the shower like otters, chatting and laughing and splashing each other: they were completely naked. The scene was indescribably graceful and erotic. He did not deserve such a thing. His cock was hard in his boxer shorts; with one hand, he took it out and pressed himself against the sink as he cleaned between his teeth with a toothpick. He stabbed himself in the gum, removed the bloody toothpick. The head of his penis tingled unbearably; it was hot and swollen, a drop forming at the tip.
One of the girls, graceful and dark-haired, stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and began to contentedly pat her young breasts dry. A little redhead slipped off her swimsuit and took her place under the shower – her pussy hair was golden blonde. Bruno moaned a little, and was beginning to feel dizzy. In his head, he could imagine walking over, taking his shorts off and waiting by the showers. He had every right to go and wait to take a shower. He imagined himself beside them, his cock hard, saying something like “Is the water hot?” The showers were fifty centimeters apart; if he took a shower next to the redheaded girl she might accidentally brush against his prick. At this thought he felt increasingly dizzy and had to hold on to the porcelain sink. At the same instant two boys arrived, laughing a little too loudly; they were wearing black shorts with fluorescent stripes. Suddenly Bruno’s hard-on was gone; he put his penis back into his shorts and returned to picking at his teeth.”
2. Haruki Murakami, Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
“And again, as before, she unzipped my fly, took out my penis, and put it in her mouth. The one thing different from before was that she did not take off her own clothing. She wore Kumiko’s dress the whole time. I tried to move, but it felt as if my body were tied down by invisible threads. I felt myself growing big and hard inside her mouth.
I saw her fake eyelashes and curled hair tips moving. Her bracelets made a dry sound against each other. Her tongue was long and soft and seemed to wrap itself around me. Just as I was about to come, she suddenly moved away and began slowly to undress me. She took off my jacket, my tie, my pants, my shirt, my underwear, and made me lie down on the bed. Her own clothes she kept on, though. She sat on the bed, took my hand, and brought it under her dress. She was not wearing panties. My hand felt the warmth of her vagina. It was deep, warm, and very wet. My fingers were all but sucked inside. …
Then Creta Kano mounted me and used her hand to slip me inside her. Once she had me deep inside, she began a slow rotation of her hips. As she moved, the edges of the pale-blue dress caressed my naked stomach and thighs. With the skirts of the dress spread out around her, Creta Kano, riding atop me, looking like a soft, gigantic mushroom that had silently poked its face up through the dead leaves on the ground and opened under the sheltering wings of night. Her vagina felt warm and at the same time cold. It tried to envelop me, to draw me in, and at the same time to press me out. My erection grew larger and harder. I felt I was about to burst wide open. It was the strangest sensation, something that went beyond simple sexual pleasure. It felt as if something inside her, something special inside her, were slowly working its way through my organ into me.”
Haruki Murakami practices the art of the literary erection:
- 1Q84: Tengo has sex with a woman who mystically transfers his sperm to a woman across town.
- Norwegian Wood: Man copulates with woman because she reminds him of his true love.
3. Bret Easton Ellis, Less than Zero
“And one of them calls out to me, “Hey, punk faggot,” and the girl and I get into her car and drive off into the hills and we go to her room and I take off my clothes and lie on her bed and she goes into the bathroom and I wait a couple of minutes and then she finally comes out, a towel wrapped around her, and sits on the bed and I put my hands on her shoulders, and she says stop it and, after I let go, she tells me to lean against the headboard and I do and then she takes off the towel and she’s naked and she reaches into the drawer by her bed and brings out a tube of Bain De Soleil and she hands it to me and then she reaches into the drawer and brings out a pair of Wayfarer sunglasses and she tells me to put them on and I do.
And she takes the tube of suntan lotion from me and squeezes some onto her fingers and then touches herself and motions for me to do the same, and I do. After a while I stop and reach over to her and she stops me and says no, and then places my hand back on myself and her hand begins again and after this goes on for a while I tell her that I’m going to come and she tells me to hold on a minute and that she’s almost there and she begins to move her hand faster, spreading her legs wider, leaning back against the pillows, and I take the sunglasses off and she tells me to put them back on and I put them back on and it stings when I come and then I guess she comes too. Bowie’s on the stereo and she gets up, flushed, and turns the stereo off and turns on MTV. I lie there, naked, sunglasses still on, and she hands me a box of Kleenex. I wipe myself off and then look through a Vogue that’s lying by the side of the bed. She puts a robe on and stares at me. I can hear thunder in the distance and it begins to rain harder. She lights a cigarette and I start to dress. And then I call a cab and finally take the Wayfarers off and she tells me to be quiet walking down the stairs so I won’t wake her parents.”
4. Nicholson Baker, The Fermata
“There is nothing so sexy as seeing a solid young dyke coming with her legs bent in a diamond shape, feet together, and one of those Hitachi camping flashlights, those Hitachi huge-eyed deep-sea exotic fishes, doing its blunt tireless thing in her Marianas Trench. I risked being seen, emboldened by how loud the vibrator was, timing my mastur-strokes to the shaking of her knees and the somewhat Zen-like whooshing of her breathing, and when she began to come for the second time I did in fact stop time for an instant and laid my dick in her palm and closed my fist around her fist, and squeezed on it so tightly my knuckles turned yellow, sliding within my skin in and out of her grip. As the inexorability of my clasm began I pulled down on my glasses so that she and I were living coterminously, and as she came I released one-liners of sperm up her forearm and then squeezed the last semi-painful droplets of my orgasm out on her curled fingers. I let her just begin to register the fact of my cooling slime on her arm after she finished coming herself before I stopped time and toweled her off and left.”
If you like Nicholson Baker, look at these other erotic novels by him:
- Vox. The greatest phone sex novel of all time. It’s rumored that Monica Lewinsky once gave this as a present to Bill Clinton.
- House of Holes. Some of the most innovative sex writing of all time. The cover is a work of art.
5. Roddy Doyle, The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
“I couldn’t get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. I got on top of him. I’d never done it before. I couldn’t really believe it; I was doing this. I was inventing something. I held him and put him in. He felt deeper in me. I’ll never forget it. I was in charge and he liked it. I held his hands down. He pretended he was trying to break free. I let my tits touch his face. He went mad; he bucked. He split me in two. I pushed down. I couldn’t believe it. One of his fingers flicked over my bum. I did it to him. He lifted and heaved. I couldn’t believe it. There was no end to it, no end to the new things. He did something. I copied him. I did something. He did it back. He took me from behind. I pushed back, forced more of him into me. I sucked him. He licked me. I made him come on my stomach. He sucked my toes. The whole room rocked and Mrs. Doyle smiled at us every morning.”
6. Mary Gaitskill, Secretary
“The last time I made a typing error and the lawyer summoned me to his office, two unusual things occurred. The first was that after he finished spanking me he told me to pull up my skirt. Fear hooked my stomach and pulled it toward my chest. I turned my head and tried to look at him.
“You’re not worried that I’m going to rape you, are you?” he said. “Don’t. I’m not interested in that, not in the least. Pull up your skirt.”
I turned my head away from him. I thought, I don’t have to do this. I can stop right now. I can straighten up and walk out. But I didn’t. I pulled up my skirt.
“Pull down your panty hose and underwear.”
A finger of nausea poked my stomach.
“I told you I’m not going to fuck you. Do what I say.”
The skin on my face and throat was hot, but my fingertips were cold on my legs as I pulled down my underwear and panty hose. The letter before me became distorted beyond recognition. I thought I might faint or vomit, but I didn’t. I was held up by a feeling of dizzying suspension, like the one I have in dreams where I can fly, but only if I get into some weird position.
At first he didn’t seem to be doing anything. Then I became aware of a small frenzy of expended energy behind me. I had an impression of a vicious little animal frantically burrowing dirt with its tiny claws and teeth. My hips were sprayed with hot sticky muck.
“Go clean yourself off,” he said. “And do that letter again.”
I stood slowly and felt my skirt fall over the sticky gunk. He briskly swung open the door and I left the room, not even pulling up my panty hose and underwear, since I was going to use the bathroom anyway. He closed the door behind me, and the second unusual thing occurred. Susan, the paralegal, was standing the waiting room with a funny look on her face. She was a blonde who wore short, fuzzy sweaters and fake gold jewelry around he neck. At her friendliest, she had a whining, abrasive quality that clung to her voice. Now, she could barely say hello. Her stupidly full lips were parted speculatively.
“Hi,” I said. “Just a minute.” She noted the awkwardness of my walk, because of the lowered panty hose.
I got to the bathroom and wiped myself off. I didn’t feel embarrassed. I felt mechanical. I wanted to get that dumb paralegal out of the office so I could come back to the bathroom and masturbate.
Susan completed her errand and left. I masturbated. I retyped the letter. The lawyer sat in his office all day.”
Mary Gaitskill frequently writes sex scenes with unequal power relationships:
- Bad Behavior: This story collection contains the excerpt above, as well as “A Romantic Weekend,” about a submissive woman and a dominant man.
- The Mare: A novel about a young girl’s sexual awakening.
7. Aimee Bender, Quiet Please
It is quiet in the rest of the library.
Inside the back room, the woman has crawled out from underneath the man. Now fuck me like a dog, she tells him. She grips a pillow in her fists and he breathes behind her, hot air down her back which is starting to sweat and slip on his stomach. She doesn’t want him to see her face because it is blowing up inside, red and furious, and she’s grimacing at the pale white wall which is cool when she puts her hand on it to help her push back into him, get his dick to fill up her body until there’s nothing left of her inside: just dick.
8. James Salter, A Sport and a Pastime
“She begins to strip like a roommate and climb into bed.
They have fallen asleep. Dean wakes first, in the early afternoon. He unfastens her stockings and slowly rolls them off. Her skirt is next and then her underpants. She opens her eyes. The garter belt he leaves on, to confirm her nakedness. He rests his head there.
Her hand touches his chest and begins to fall in excruciating slow designs.
He lies still as a dog beneath it, still as an idiot.
The next morning she is recovered. His prick is hard. She takes it in her hand. They always sleep naked. Their flesh is innocent and warm. In the end she is arranged across the pillows, a ritual she accepts without a word.
It is half an hour before they fall apart, spent, and call for breakfast. She eats both her rolls and one of his.
“There was a lot,” she says.
She glistens with it. The inside of her thighs is wet.
“How long does it take to make again?” she asks.
Dean tries to think. He is remembering biology.
“Two or three days,” he guesses.
“Non, non!” she cries. That is not what she meant.
She begins to make him hard again. In a few minutes he rolls her over and puts it in as if the intermission were ended. This time she is wild. The great bed begins creaking. Her breath becomes short. Dean has to brace his hands on the wall. He hooks his knees outside her legs and drives himself deeper.
“Oh,” she breathes, “that’s the best.”
When he comes, it downs them both. They crumble like sand. He returns from the bathroom and picks up the covers from the floor. She has not moved. She lies just where she has fallen.
9. E.L. Doctorow, Ragtime
“She now stood nude in the lamplight except for her black embroidered cotton stockings which were held up by elastic bands around the thighs. Goldman rolled the stockings down and Evelyn stepped out of her stockings. She held her arms across her breasts. Goldman stood and turned her around slowly for inspection, a frown on her face. […]
Lie down. Evelyn sat down on the bed and looked at what was coming out of the black bag. On your stomach, Goldman said. She was holding a bottle and tilting the contents of the bottle into her cupped hand. Evelyn lay down on her stomach and Goldman applied the liquid where the marks of the stays reddened the flesh. Ow, Evelyn cried. It stings!
This is an astringent – the first thing is to restore circulation, Goldman explained as she rubbed Evelyn’s back and buttocks and thighs. Evelyn was squirming and her flesh cringing with each application. She buried her face in the pillow to smother her cries. I know, I know, Goldman said. But you will thank me. Under Goldman’s vigorous rubbing Evelyn’s flesh seemed to spring into its fullest conformations. She was shivering now and her buttocks were clenched against the invigorating chill of the astringent. Her legs squeezed together. Goldman now took from her bag a bottle of massage oil and began to knead Evelyn’s neck and shoulders and back, her thighs and calves and the soles of her feet.
Gradually Evelyn relaxed and her flesh shook and quivered under the emphatic skill of Goldman’s hands. Goldman rubbed the oil into her skin until her body found its own natural rosy white being and began to stir with self-perception. Turn over, Goldman commanded. Evelyn’s hair was now undone and lay on the pillow about her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips stretched in an involuntary smile as Goldman massaged her breasts, her stomach, her legs. Yes, even this, Emma Goldman said, briskly passing her hand over the mons. You must have the courage to live. The bedside lamp seemed to dim for a moment.
Evelyn put her own hands on her breasts and her palms rotated the nipples. Her hands swam down along her flanks. She rubbed her hips. Her feet pointed like dancer’s and her toes curled. Her pelvis rose from the bed as if seeking something in the air. Goldman was now at the bureau, capping her bottled emollient, her back to Evelyn as the younger woman began to ripple on the bed like a wave on the sea. At this moment a hoarse unearthly cry issued from the walls, the closet door flew open and Mother’s Younger Brother fell into the room, his face twisted in a paroxysm of saintly mortification. He was clutching in his hands, as if trying to choke it, a rampant penis which, scornful of his intentions, whipped him about the floor, launching to his cries of ecstasy or despair, great filamented spurts of jism that traced the air like bullets and then settled slowly over Evelyn in her bed like falling ticker tape.”
10. J.G. Ballard, Crash
“A loose hierarchy of prostitutes occupied the airport and its suburbs – within the hotels, in discotheques where music was never played, conveniently sited near the bedrooms for the thousands of transit passengers who never left the airport; a second echelon working the terminal building concourses and restaurant mezzanines; and beyond these an army of freelances renting rooms on a daily basis in the apartment complexes along the motorway.
We reached the multi-storey car-park behind the air-freight building. I drove around the canted concrete floors of this oblique and ambiguous building and parked in an empty bay among the cars on the sloping roof. After tucking the banknotes away in her silver handbag, the woman lowered her preoccupied face across my lap, expertly releasing my zip with one hand. She began to work systematically at my penis with both mouth and hand, spreading her arms comfortably across my knees. I flinched from the pressure of her hard elbows …
As she brought my penis to life I looked down at her strong back, at the junction between the contours of her shoulders demarked by the straps of her brassiere and the elaborately decorated instrument panel of this American car, between her thick buttock in my left hand and the pastel-shaded binnacles of the clock and the speedometer. Encouraged by these hooded dials, my left ring-finger moved towards her anus.”
This post has been abbreviated from a previous, lengthier post with 50 examples.
Yeah, I need all the help I can get with sex scenes. It’s been hard to capture the raw emotion, the story behind such a thing in my storyline, but it’s an important element. I’m not looking for graphic descriptions, not blow-by-blow, but something that reveals the needs and the pure desires – scenes that aren’t porno or even gratuitous sex, but reflect the raw feelings between the two main characters.
“Began to, beginning to…” Why don’t people stop using them, along with “start/started/starting to.” Almost always superfluous. Otherwise, I enjoyed these scenes. I’ve been editing horribly-written sex scenes the last several days, and I needed a palate cleanser. Thanks.
Those are some of the worst sex scenes I’ve ever read. Literally pick any FimFiction story, or any GWA script out of top 1000. And even those amateur works will have better sex scenes. How is this page top 2 in Google Search?
I have to agree. Every couple of months I come back thinking that maybe, just maybe I was being unecessarily critical. But no. I’m proven wrong every single time. Those sex scenes are indeed terrible.
I literally laughed out loud at several.
Agreed. Most of them written by men and not women and the most annoying part is that a lot of them (not all) are focused on the mans pleasure and not the women’s. What’s s with the first one with the teen girls? Weird.
Came here to say the same thing. Wtf did I just read. Those were absolutely horrible
I couldn’t make it past the first four examples you chose – we have pedophilia, vagina ghosts possessing a penis/person, yeast infections waiting to happen, and non-consensual touching. And you call this top-tier literature? You need to pull your collective heads out of your asses, and read spicy romance novels. And maybe ask your partners what they like in bed…. It’ll help you identify ACTUAL good sex scenes. Fkn clickbait lists written by fkn men…
Thank god, I thought I was the only one. Seriously? This guy thinks people need to learn from this garbage he has collected? I laughed out loud at descriptions. I doubt that is the vibe these authors were going for.
You seem to have picked the books that DID earn the ‘Bad Sex in Fiction’ award. The second one was the winner in 2019. If you’re going to use samples at least make sure they match what you’re writing about.
I really feel bad for the poor sexual partner(s) of the person who made this list.
Quote #15 is from the wrong book. The quote appears in Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend. It does not appear in A Story of a New Name.
Here is the first sentence copied out of my Kindle edition of My Brilliant Friend.
I washed her with slow, careful gestures, first letting her squat in the tub, then asking her to stand up: I still have in my ears the sound of the dripping water, and the impression that the copper of the tub had a consistency not different from Lila’s flesh, which was smooth, solid, calm.
Ferrante, Elena. My Brilliant Friend (Neapolitan Novels Book 1) (p. 356). Europa Editions. Kindle Edition.
these are the absolute worst sex scenes I’ve ever read. I’ve read better in fanfiction ffs. you can def tell when something like this is written by a man. why was this shtty article at the top of my google search?
Where have I been all my life? I’ve read none of these. This came up in a goggle search, because as I’m doing a discovery write of my own, I’m thinking, maybe this WIP is too spicy. People don’t want too much of things. Fade to black.
Wow. Thank you for taking off my seatbelt and my training wheels. I’m writing this thing, as is.
I have to question the sanity, maturity and bias of anyone who compiles THIS list as examples of good erotic writing.
It is told that these are lines are from “literary fiction” and not “erotica”. Maybe that’s how sex scenes are written in literary fiction? and in literary fiction standard..maybe they are good? More than half of what is written here, went over my head..but then I thought..I don’t read this kind of writing so maybe that’s why it feels “not good”.
Do you need websites? I have more websites.
This has to be the most misogynistic, least sexy list ever compiled. No, I don’t want to read one of Houllebecq’s *mannnny* creepy exploitative diatribes on how hot he finds the bodies of children. No, Brett Easton Ellis did not write one of the best literally anything. Certainly not one of the best sex scenes. Because the man hates women. I don’t know what can be said of the author of this list except it’s doubtful they have any satisfied partners…
Wow, that was so mysogenistic… and not a single one was sexy. What a weak list.
Hopelessly written, all of them.
Where are the feelings? It’s just about actions and body movements.
Those are some of the worst sex scenes I’ve ever read. Literally pick any FimFiction story, or any GWA script out of top 1000. And even those amateur works will have better sex scenes. How is this page top 2 in Google Search?
3 is such an absurd wreck of run-on sentences that I couldn’t even tell what was happening and had to drill and reread multiple times.
Rather disturbed by the first one. Pedophile behavior? WTH?
I won’t bother restating some of the comments below because they are correct. Seems like all of these are written just for the pleasure of the man.
Not impressed.