Quiz Time: Out of these six novelists, how many can you identify? (Answers at the bottom of the post).
All these images are taken from the literary card game Notable Novelists. Since I’m a board game and book aficionado, it was pleasant to combine my obsessions.
The rules aren’t complex — it’s a souped up version of Go Fish — but it’s still nice to have a game based on so many 20th century novelists. The surprise inclusion? Roberto Bolano. Most of the others are the expected luminaries — James Joyce, Kurt Vonnegut, Vladimir Nabokov, Ernest Hemingway. I particularly love the artwork, done by Andy Ward. The illustrations are spot-on, with just the right balance of playfulness and homage.
The company’s considering releasing an expansion pack for extra play and they’re soliciting suggestions for who should appear, so if you want to add your perspective to the mix, look at the full list of who they’ve included and leave a comment.
- Top, Left: Flannery O’Connor
- Top, Right: Virginia Woolf
- Middle, Left: Ernest Hemingway (If the beard didn’t give it away, the taxidermy certainly did!)
- Middle, Right: James Baldwin (see that Eiffel tower clue in the background?)
- Lower, Left: D.H. Lawrence (if you can’t read the book title, there’s the metaphorical fountain)
- Lower, Right: Saul Bellow
I love the art! It might be a great tool to encourage reading for kids
Yeah, I thought about pitching it as a kids game too, or at least an educational one, but decided to just go for the fun-for-everyone route.
Yes, the art really makes the game work.
Man, I could have gotten this for Mother’s Day instead of the brunch. But, the brunch was good.
It seems like it would be a great game for the entire family. I’m planning on giving this to my book loving dad! Thanks for the post John!