One Story’s blog, Save the Short Story, alerted me to newest short story podcasting site, Sniplits. The idea behind the name, I believe, is that while listening to audio books in the car doesn’t allow you enough continuity to enter the dream-like experience of the novel, a snippet of literature — such as a short story — is the perfect length for a trip to Whole Foods or LA Fitness. The site is searchable by genre (Horror, Humor, or Literary/Mainstream — wait, why are those last two together?) and by time (five to thirty-five minutes).
Unfortunately, at least for downloaders, it is a pay site, but as One Story mentioned, that just makes this the iTunes of short stories. Also, I hope some of the fees, which are 48 cents for stories under five minutes and 88 cents for stories longer than that, make it back to the author. If you’re adverse to buying on the first visit, they do offer one free short story a week. Currently, the site only offers about a hundred short stories, but since it’s only in beta mode, I’m guessing that number will be increasing exponentially in the near future.