So my appendix all acted up on me rather suddenly, and I’m sprawled out over various couches and beds in my apartment, recovering from some small incisions round about my bellybutton that don’t feel too small.
Guess what? Morphine + Vicodin make hashwork of Marianne Wiggins and Wendell Berry. My eyes glazed over after a paragraph or so. So I’m sticking with Entourage. Nothing like fantasy-fulfillment narrative when you’re laid up and out.
Things might be slow around here. Or they might be fast, depending on how the drugs work. Maybe Mrs. BookFox can do a guest post on Daylight Noir, the B&W photography book surveying Raymond Chandler’s Los Angeles, seeing as how she’s a professional photographer and everything
Sorry to hear about your owee, John. Take care.
Wayne C. Long
Writer/Editor/Internet Publisher
Where the Short Story LIVES!
Oy! Feel good.
Whoah, glad you’re OK.
Thanks, everybody. Recovering, slowly.
Ugh, this happened to me a few months ago. Television was all I could handle for a few days. Good luck!