He got up and sat on the edge of the bedstead with his back to the window. “It’s better not to sleep at all,” he decided. There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it. He was not thinking of anything and did not want to think. But one image rose after another, incoherent scraps of thought without beginning or end passed through his mind. He sank into drowsiness. Perhaps the cold, or the dampness, or the dark, or the wind that howled under the window and tossed the trees roused a sort of persistent craving for the fantastic. He kept dwelling on images of flowers, he fancied a charming flower garden, a bright, warm, almost hot day, a holiday—Trinity day. A fine, sumptuous country cottage in the English taste overgrown with fragrant flowers, with flower beds going round the house; the porch, wreathed in climbers, was surrounded with beds of roses. A light, cool staircase, carpeted with rich rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots. He noticed particularly in the windows nosegays of tender, white, heavily fragrant narcissus bending over their bright, green, thick long stalks. He was reluctant to move away from them, but he went up the stairs and came into a large, high drawing-room and again everywhere—at the windows, the doors on to the balcony, and on the balcony itself—were flowers. The floors were strewn with freshly-cut fragrant hay, the windows were open, a fresh, cool, light air came into the room. The birds were chirruping under the window, and in the middle of the room, on a table covered with a white satin shroud, stood a coffin. The coffin was covered with white silk and edged with a thick white frill; wreaths of flowers surrounded it on all sides. Among the flowers lay a girl in a white muslin dress, with her arms crossed and pressed on her bosom, as though carved out of marble. But her loose fair hair was wet; there was a wreath of roses on her head. The stern and already rigid profile of her face looked as though chiselled of marble too, and the smile on her pale lips was full of an immense unchildish misery and sorrowful appeal. Svidrigaïlov knew that girl; there was no holy image, no burning candle beside the coffin; no sound of prayers: the girl had drowned herself. She was only fourteen, but her heart was broken. And she had destroyed herself, crushed by an insult that had appalled and amazed that childish soul, had smirched that angel purity with unmerited disgrace and torn from her a last scream of despair, unheeded and brutally disregarded, on a dark night in the cold and wet while the wind howled

22 Agents Seeking Novels in 2022

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Every writer dreams of hearing the words I love your book.

When looking for an agent to represent your fledgling novel, it’s key to find someone that shares your vision and passion.

Here is an alphabetical list of 22 literary and genre agents on the hunt for their next bestseller.

Will it be you? You’ll never know till you query.

1. Noah Ballard

Most Wanted:

Literary fiction with noir voices and characters.

Consistent Favorites:

  • Short story collections
  • Narrative non-fiction from fresh perspectives
  • Journalistic stories with literary flair

Noah Ballard reminds me of Anton Ego, the famous food critic from Ratatouille. Like Anton, Noah is craving some unique perspectives. He aims to support new creative voices with brilliant stories. No cooking skills needed!

Noah acquired his taste for good literature while studying at the University of Nebraska. After finishing his degree, he further cultivated his palate working at Emma Sweeney Literary.

Now he’s happily part of the Curtis Brown literary team where he is waiting to meet hungry authors like you! Learn more about Noah’s tastes in his interview with Water Stone Review.

Books that Satisfy Noah’s Cravings:

  • Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem
  • Bad Blood by John Carryrou
  • You Know You Want This by Kristen Roupenian

2. Amy Bishop

Most Wanted:

  • Literary suspense and historical fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Driven women and sisterhood
  • The hidden side of historical events (no war narratives)
  • Thrillers with a dash of horror

Amy is on the hunt for unforgettable stories that history has tucked away. She has a particular interest in books that feature women working in the sports industry.

Originally from Queens, Amy accepted an internship with Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, then she never left!

Amy loves her work as an agent. In an interview with First Five Frenzy, she offers her unique insight on what makes a novel irresistible!

Amy’s Favorite Titles Include:

  • Code Girls by Liza Mundy
  • The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
  • The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
  • Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

3. Ian Bonaparte

Most Wanted:

  • Science, History, Narrative Nonfiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Plot-driven literary fiction
  • Thoughtful reporting of current events
  • Memoirs that speak to larger themes

Ian Bonaparte is originally from Portland, Oregon. He’s worked his way up in the book world with duel experience from literary agencies like Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, and publishing houses like Macmillian.

Now at Janklow and Nesbit Associates, he enjoys taking a holistic approach to working with his authors. He brings to the table his background in editing fiction when looking at each manuscript.

Ian’s Top Reads:

  • Severance by Ling Ma
  • The Troop by Nick Cutter
  • The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee by David Treuer


4. Hannah Brattesani

Most Wanted:

  • Community-focused fiction and non-fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Unique cultures and lifestyles
  • Millennial voices
  • The dark side of pop culture

Hannah Brattesani loves niche stories. Stories of people living on the edge, even in the middle of a bustling city. She has a sweet spot for books that can tie in themes of wellness and sexuality, or read like poetry.

Raised in the Scottish Highlands before moving to America, Hannah loves to see cross-cultural interactions in literature that help explain what we see as cultural norms. Think about the difference between West Coast and East Coast pizza if you will.

She began her agenting journey at Emma Sweeney Literary before transitioning to Freidrich Literary. Now she’s ready to accept queries, so keep them coming!

Books that Hannah Loves:

  • Fever Dream by Samantha Schweblin
  • Speedboat by Renata Adler
  • Mostly Dead Things by Kristin Arnett

5. Rachel Brooks

Most Wanted:

  • Cozy, feel-good reads from authors of all backgrounds

Consistent Favorites:

  • Multicultural fiction
  • Coming of age stories for adults
  • Funny, lovable characters

Rachel Brooks loves nothing more than curling up by the fireplace with a good book. She’s looking for stories that readers will want to return to again and again.

She is especially interested in promoting Asian authors as a member of #SEACritterspub. Rachel talks more about this initiative in her interview with Divi.

Rachel knew right away that she wanted to be an agent. First, she was an apprentice to senior agent Louise Fury. Then she worked with L. Perkins Literary before setting down with the Bookends Literary team.

Rachel’s Top Titles:

  • Cranberry Cove by Peg Cochran
  • Paws and Claws by Krista Davis
  • Breach of Crust by Ellery Adams

6. Patrice Caldwell

Most Wanted:

  • Genre-blending romance and horror

Consistent Favorites:

  • Romance in the vein of Jasmine Guillory & Helen Hoang
  • Horror from authors like Victor LaValle
  • Science fiction and fantasy with romantic twist

Patrice Caldwell loves to see gripping romance novels with exotic settings. The ex from hell could be a perfect fit!

As Patrice states in her interview with Kirkus Reviews, she believes genre doesn’t define a book. One of her goals is to close the gap between YA and adult literature.

Before becoming an agent at Morhaim Literary, Patrice was an editor with Disney-Hyperion and a children’s book editor. She still has a soft spot for children’s literature and will occasionally represent KidLit too!

Patrice’s Top Titles:

  • The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
  • Jade City by Fonda Lee
  • Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi
  • Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

7. Heather Carr

Most Wanted:

  • Narrative non-fiction and literary fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Experts with extraordinary ideas and voices
  • Dysfunctional relationships and families
  • Fiction exploring gender and sexuality
  • Short story collections

Heather Carr loves to learn from the experts when she reads. Narrators with humor and a love of the written word.

She studied at the University of Appleton, WI, before landing her first publishing gig with Trident Media Group. After Heather learned all she could there, she joined the Friedrich Literary team, where she is happily tucked away in her office reading manuscripts.

Books that Heather Loves:

  • Normal People by Sally Rooney
  • Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino
  • The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery

8. Zabé Ellor

Most Wanted:

  • LGBTQ+ fantasy and sci-fi

Consistent Favorites:

  • Graphic stories (MG through adult)
  • Miserable heroes
  • Epic world-building

Imagine the rotten smell of an old dragon’s lair, the hard-hitting chill of a hail storm from the gods, or the gentle touch of a cross-dressing wizard’s fingertips along your back.

Immersive storytelling is a must for Zabé Ellor. Spaceships are worth bonus points. Find out what else he’d love to see in his latest interview with Marie Lamba.

He’s worked within the publishing spheres with small presses and agencies. Previously a team member with Inklings Literary, now he calls Jennifer De Chiara Literary home.

Zabé’s Favorite Reads for When He’s Not on a Quest:

  • Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
  • American Gods by Neil Gaiman
  • Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee 

9. Kemi Faderin

Most Wanted:

  • Intelligent multicultural women’s fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Historical romance that embraces people of color
  • Contemporary women’s stories
  • Strong female protagonists (MG through adult)

Kemi Faderin wants more female protagonists who can shine with or without the spotlight staring them down.

Kemi loves to challenge herself and her readers to reconsider their preconceptions about society in the novels she represents.

Hailing from Maryland, Kemi wasn’t a born book lover like many of us claim. Instead, she discovered the magic of having an exceptional high school English teacher. Then her life would never be the same.

First, she studied at NYC, then with Liza Dawson Associates, and finally, she landed at Dystel, Goderich, & Bourret.

Kemi’s Top Books and Shows:

  • The Widow of Rose by Diana Biller
  • An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
  • Downton Abbey
  • Shameless

10. Tara Gilbert

Most Wanted:

  • LGBTQ+ fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Gothic/horror blends
  • Low fantasy and Sci-Fi
  • Exquisite libraries

Tara Gilbert loves lyrical writing and strong storytelling. She’s into subtle magic, though she admits tarot cards are rather irresistible.

Aside from the countless hours that Tara has spent learning about books from local libraries; she gained a great appreciation for the process as a whole while interning with Entangled Publishing.

It wasn’t long after her internship that Tara made the switch to agenting, now with Corvisiero Literary. She will be attending the 2021 Los Angeles Writers Conference representing herself and her fellow Corvisiero agents this summer!

Tara’s Top Titles:

  • Strange the Dreamer by Lani Taylor
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  • Wolfsong by T.J. Klune

11. Claire Harris

Most Wanted:

  • Thrillers with big personalities

Consistent Favorites:

  • Outstanding detective work
  • Twisty-turvy mysteries
  • True Crime involving serial killers

Claire Harris is open to fiction and non-fiction submissions about all the things that go bump in the night.

She’s a member of the Foundry Literary team and avid Gillian Flynn fan. She first began studying literature at the University of Texas before moving to New York to learn from the NYU Summer Publishing Institute.

If you have a story about a compelling murder case, Claire’s just dying to see it.

Books that Claire Adores:

  • The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager
  • Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
  • French Exit by Patrick DeWitt
  • The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen

12. Amanda Jain

Most Wanted:

  • Suspense with a side of humor

Consistent Favorites:

  • Practical, day-to-day magic
  • Upmarket mysteries
  • Gender-bent retellings
  • Stories involving food or art history

In an interview with Michelle, Amanda elaborates on what she’s looking for in 2021, but I’ll give you the gist below.

Amanda Jain is open to stories of all genres, with a sweet spot for historical tales. She appreciates fiction with vivid scenery and non-fiction from unexpected voices.

Amanda lives outside of Washington, DC, and works with Bookends Literary. In a past life, she received a master’s in history of the decorative arts and worked with W.W. Norton.

Books that Amanda Loves:

  • Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Cruise
  • The Eight by Katherine Neville
  • Midnight Rising by Tony Horwitz

13. Kat Kerr

Most Wanted:

Fun rom-coms with diverse characters

Consistent Favorites:

  • Multicultural women’s fiction
  • History brought to life
  • Adult and YA literary fiction
  • Science fiction with a dark edge

Kat is a proud supporter of #ownvoices working with Donald Maass Literary. Previously she worked for Corvisiero Literary, where she confirmed her love for discovering passionate authors.

To learn more about Kat’s literary interests and background, check out her interview with Darling Axe. I’ll give you some of the main points below.

She enjoys both literary and commercial voices. As an avid reader herself, she understands the importance of everyone having characters to relate to at different stages in life.

Among her many favorite genres, Kat gravitates towards science fiction that reads like a nightmarish reality. She’s a big fan of TV shows in the vein of Black Mirror and the Twilight Zone.

Kat’s Irresistible Favorites:

  • Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
  • Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
  • Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
  • Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

14. Trevor Ketner

Most Wanted:

Confessional memoirs and non-fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Short story collections and creative non-fiction from poets
  • Experimental literary fiction
  • Inclusive historical fiction

A poet by nature and nonbinary from birth (pronouns: they/their) Trevor Ketner is eager to read your genre-bending, experimental, and graphic works.

They embrace stories the include people of various backgrounds, ethnicities, and gender/sexual orientations. Their agency, Ladderbird, hosted them for a new agent interview that further explains their interests.

Trevor currently calls Manhattan home. Though working in publishing for companies such as Graywolf Press, Catapult, Slice Magazine, and many others over the years has allowed them to travel near and far.

Trevor’s Top Titles:

  • Boy Erased by Garrard Conley
  • How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones
  • On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
  • The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

15. Kayla Lightner

Most Wanted:

  • Cross-cultural fiction and non-fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • Speculative and science fiction with ties to African folklore
  • Horror from historical points of view
  • Magical realism in the historic South
  • Short story collections from African American points of view

A Georgia native, Kayla finds herself drawn to stories of the South and tribal mythology. The use of satire is always welcome here, darling.

Kayla found her way into the writing world through Harper’s Bazaar then moved on to hold multiple positions at Creative Loafing Atlanta. Now she is happy to be working with Liza Dawson Associates.

Books that Kayla Loves:

  • Big Machine by Victor Lavalle
  • Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson
  • Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
  • Mama Day by Gloria Naylor

16. Chad Luibl

Most Wanted:

  • Nuanced stories between literary and genre

Consistent Favorites:

  • Thrillers from Eastern Europe or the Cold War
  • Narrative memoir
  • Sports-related stories

Chad Luibl loves to read rapid-fire narratives with haunting prose. Bonus points awarded for graphic works.

Chad’s cultivated his interest in Eastern Europe when he taught English there for several years. Upon returning to the United States, he collected an MFA in Virginia and worked as an editor.

Now he’s an agent with Janklow and Nesbit, and he’s hungrily awaiting his next bestseller.

Books that Chad Can’t Put Down:

  • Upgrade Soul by Ezra Claytan Daniels
  • Push and Pull: A True Story of Football, Murder, and Purpose in an American City by Kent Babb
  • Nine Shiny Objects by Brian Castleberry

17. Em Lysaght

Most Wanted:

  • Silk punk stories with cross-cultural vibes

Consistent Favorites:

  • Genre-blended fiction that challenges form
  • Powerful Asian characters
  • Queer romance novels

In short, Em Lysaght is looking for magical heroes and heroines battling for the fate of the world, humorous sidekicks, and romance that would make even the gods jealous! For the whole story, check out her interview with her agency, Ladderbird.

Em always knew she wanted to be a part of the book-building process, but her path to publishing was less than straight-forward.

She attended multiple art schools, worked as a comic artist, and received an MLitt in ancient Greek monsters from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland!

(Don’t act like you’re not jealous of the ancient monsters degree)

Em’s Favorite Stores of All Time:

  • The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
  • Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
  • Lord of the White Hell by Ginn Hale

18. Leah Pierre

Most Wanted:

Interracial romance without the cliches

Consistent Favorites:

  • Espionage with a twist
  • Inclusive retellings of popular fairy tales (YA through Adult)
  • Mythological fantasy and adventure (YA through Adult)

Leah Pierre is looking for fresh perspectives that challenge cliches and the stories we tell ourselves, especially when it comes to family and relationships.

A self-proclaimed bibliophile (aren’t we all?), she graduated from Rosemont College with her BA, and now she’s back there getting her masters in publishing!

For further details and query information, check out Leah’s interview with her agency, Ladderbird.

Stories that inspire Leah Include:

  • Now You See Me
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  • Sadie by Courtney Summers
  • The Girl Who Smiled Beads by Clementine Wamariya

19. Steven Salpeter

Most Wanted:

  • Contemporary fiction set in major U.S. cities

Consistent Favorites:

  • Stories with Jewish bloodlines
  • Literary fiction
  • Fantasy and graphic works (YA through adult)

Steven Salpeter is firmly anti-slush pile. He’s been around the block as an editor, team member at Writers House, and agent with Brandt & Hochman. He doesn’t want to risk passing up the next bestseller to cross his virtual desk.

Now at Curtis Brown LTD, he loves getting to work hands-on with writers to bright their stories to life! He has a wide variety of interests and a live email address, he just needs the perfect book.

Titles that Steven Loves:

  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard
  • Narcopolis by Jeet Thayil
  • Dark of the West by Joanna Hathaway

20. Britt Siess

Most Wanted:

  • Magical and terrifying beasts

Consistent Favorites:

  • Diverse fantasy worlds
  • Contemporary graphic works
  • Female-led thrillers/horror (MG through adult)

An #OwnVoice and #Sheros advocate, Britt Siess is looking for empowering stories with complex characters. She is looking for literature for readers of all ages (MG and up).

Her interview with Krystal Gavis provides more details.

Britt has cultivated her love of books as a reader, bookseller, and an agent. She’s worked with Taryn Fagerness Literary and Wales Literary. She now has her own agency.

Books Britt Adores:

  • Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
  • Anything by Rick Riordan
  • Marvel and DC Comics

21. Jennifer Tran

Most Wanted:

  • Multigenerational women’s fiction

Consistent Favorites:

  • War fiction and narrative non-fiction
  • Marginalized or hidden communities
  • Empowering stories (YA through adult)

Jennifer Chen Tran studied law in Boston, MA, before cracking into the publishing world with her current agency, Bradford Literary.

She feels that her unique background helps her negotiate the best contacts for her authors and strengthen their brands.

In an interview with Kite Tales, Jennifer Tran lists her favorite qualities in books and authors. She also lets readers know she’s interested in graphic works (MG and up) as well as a few other exciting genres.

Jennifer’s Favorite Narratives:

  • Match Made in Manhattan by Amanda Stauffer
  • The Art of Escaping by Erin Callahan
  • The Sharp End of Life by Dierdre Wolownick

22. Maximilian Ximenez

Most Wanted:

  • Neo-noir worlds and character-driven works

Consistent Favorites:

  • Cyberpunk
  • Experimental sci-fi
  • Bone-chilling horror
  • True crime

If writers are tortured artists, then agents must be insatiable noir fanatics. Bleach the bloodstains from the rug and burn the rough drafts.

Maximillian Ximenez from L. Perkins Agency is looking for something terrifying, shocking, and gutsy. His interests also branch into heist narrative non-fiction and popular trends.

Maximillian worked with Blizzard Entertainment for years before joining the publishing scene. He’s the agent for New York Times Bestselling author Mick Neilson and BAFTA winner Lucien Soulban.

Tales that inspire Maximillian:

  • The Watchmen by Alan Moore
  • Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
  • The Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow

Who did we miss? Let us know!

The Twittersphere is buzzing, and The Manuscript Wishlist is continually updating!

Agents want to connect with you about your wonderful stories. Let us know if we’ve left anyone out. You never know who could help make your book a success!


About the Author:

Hello! I’m down here!

My name is Grace Giska. I am an undergraduate student studying Creative Writing and the author of three novels, one of which I like a lot. During my free time, I like to walk my dog and imagine what she thinks of me.

Follow me on Social Media:

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  1. Good website. Clean, clear, and friendly. I’ll be back to review your choices. I have six novel ready for publication and am still or I continue to seek lit agents. zolen/lem

  2. Highly interesting and useful to an author, formerly taught and published in academia, and NIH on Building Design for the Handicapped and Aged . I have published a memoir, Cockney Girl about being born and growing up in riotous East London, evacuated from London’s WW2 bombing to country foster parents ranging from kind to concupiscent. Now retired, I have become a Certified hat maker and written a collection of short stories, some published, Diary of a Mad Hatter. I seek an agent for Diary of a Mad Hatter and Jerusalem Affair. The latter is a trilogy beginning with a romance set in Jerusalem and D.C. between an Israeli man and a Jewish-British woman. Both are divorced, or so he says. She is visiting Jerusalem for an International Conference on Building Design. Unknown to her, her ravishing lover is an Arab. I am seeking an agent interested in international,multicultural and Jewish Creative Nonfiction. All real, names changed my work reads as fiction. Thanks for suggestions and list of literary agents. Gilda Haber, PhD Social Psychology.

  3. Great website. I don’t usually leave comments, but I’m impressed with how each agent is highlighted, including their preferences. Also appreciate getting to know something about them and their favorite books. Pleased to see some of my own favorite books on their lists.

  4. Informative. I like the agents presented. Unfortunately I don’t believe I’m a fit for any of them. My manuscript is a character-driven mainstream literary saga with a paranormal atmosphere. Based on actual events, it’s best described as a combination of Tom Sawyer and The Shining. It’s Fried Green Tomatoes and The Blair Witch Project. The only “Monsters in the Woods” are the protagonist brothers and their mischievous circle of friends. My novel has a wide appeal. Elders to children.

    1. I would recommend checking out Manuscript Wish List, either the website or the Twitter feed, to find agents who are specifically looking for paranormal books.

  5. Hi everyone,
    I have a complete non-fiction ‘novel’ based on the Happyland fire that killed 87 people in that Bronx, NY dance club, 1990. I wonder if there’s an agent or publisher out there willing to take a look at it. A true, chilling story.

    1. Hi Rob, Write up a great query letter and submit it to a few of the agents on this list looking for that type of book. Good luck!

  6. I am an older adult. Although it might seem off beat, but older Americans have love stories to tell and encounters. I am looking for an agent who consider the possibilities that this happens. Older people have sex although it might be a turn off to the younger foe. Some older American still have their youth in a sort of unorthodox way. I recently wrote a short story about a woman who became a cougar in her golden years. Now! that was something, and it’s something older adults would read. So, is there an agent for this genre?

    1. ha ha Anita. I am sure you know that the young generation invented sex. How they think they got here I have no idea. xx

      1. Great site with great people,great backgrounds and great appetites for great writes.Have published my first novel,looking for an agent and have a second one ready.Also a screenwriter with seven completed screenplays.

    2. Ultimately, agents are looking for quality work. Your age is not especially relevant in the marketplace. Just write the best story or stories you can, and see if anyone is willing to take a look at them.

  7. Dear 21. Jennifer Tran,
    I have a manuscript named Unilore and would like to introduce it to you in the belief you may be interested in reading it and seeing the drawing’s that belong to it. Please send me your @mail where i can reach you considering if you are interested in it’s plot and seeing samples of the drawing’s of Unilore. Thank you.

    1. This is not how it works.

      Research them, write an excellent query letter, review their manuscript submission rules, and above all, don’t expect them to reach out to you.

  8. to No. 7 Ms Heather Carr.
    I would like my book THE WAYFARERS published by a mainstream publisher. I have self published so far 11 books (3 autobiographies and 8 literary novels. I was driven to self publishing because I have had to date 300 rejcetions both from agents and mainstream publishers. I don’t want a vanity publisher. All my books can be seen on Amazon under books – Ines C Rothen. Might you be interested in THE WAYFARERS. iF YES i CAN SEND YOU THE FIRST 10,000 WORDS.

  9. well, this is something different, so i’ll give it a try. I have three novels set in the village of Lindos, on the Geek island of Rhodes. There is no crime, no sci fi, just a fun story of a craft holiday on a Greek island.
    The story follows the guests as they arrive, who they relate to, and what brought them on a Lindian craft holiday in the first place.
    The fictional characters are the group tutor and the guests. Most others are real locals and expats you meet in the bars and restaurants in the village. Lindos is the most popular tourist location in the Dodeconese.

  10. Grace, if you ever come across ANYONE willing to agent revolutionary history, THAT would be spectacular. There are so many agents who want to escape in “historical fiction” and other genres and so few who recognize the drama in true history. My colleague and I are just emerging from our private, 8-year collaboration to publish our findings. It is a great time for a courageous agent to step out of the fictional shadows and represent a new, exciting history of Early America that crosses many lines of inquiry.

  11. I was looking for a literary agent concerning a book I am almost finished with. It’s based on social dysfunction in relation to my own dysfunction.I believe it is the perfect book for this time with our social ills.

  12. This is great! I’m writing to seek representation for the first of my three self-published novels, a historical fiction novel of 64,000 words ‘Skulduggery’. I was interviewed on America Tonight about my second novel ‘Winter of Red’ which is currently getting quite a large following. The host of America Tonight said the following about Winter of Red:
    t’s the fate that we are speaking to our next guest, his name is Paul Rushworth-Brown and he combines his love for history, genealogy and fiction and takes us back in time where time will leave you. I’m telling you, you will not be able to put down really, one of his books but specifically were going to talk about the second book ‘Winter of Red’.

  13. Do any agents out there take an interest in Westerns? Not the traditional shoot-’em-ups. I wrote a four-book series featuring a mixed race “half-breed” Cherokee/Irish drifter of the 1870s who brings to the plots the Indian’s point of view. Stories focus on period problems with resourcefully wise solutions the white man tends to overlook. Who might I turn to for representation?

      1. Manuscript Wish List is woefully out of date. I don’t know who or if anyone is in charge of updating information, but some clearly hasn’t been updated for three or four years. Use it; but the author risks wasting their time writing a personalized query letter to an agent who has moved, 404’d, or is closed to submissions.

  14. Although there are thirty years or more of my written works piled throughout my huge home, my concentration is on seeking an Agent to assist in publishing one of my favorites. It is titled, In service to HER country. It is a fictional forty five thousand word contemporary novel that highlights the journey of Nicole Curry. Nicole’s journey begins as a high school senior where she excelled in every aspect, she is a Candy Striper hospital volunteer, the Cadet Captain Company Commander of her JR. ROTC unit, as well as being class President.
    Prior to the graduation ceremony Nicole and family visit her severely burned father in the army burn center. It is for the first time since he was returned months earlier from Viet Nam and placed in a medically induced coma. During the two day visit they were allowed a very brief time with him because he had not been brought out of the coma by the doctors order.
    While there her mother had a severe mental breakdown, causing the family to remain overnight at the complex. At that time there Nicole and her younger brother Tommy learned from their fathers battle buddy how the injuries to their father were sustained at the hands of the Viet Cong.
    Nicole vowed after being allowed to visit wounded soldiers on other wards that she too would devote her life to the care of wounded service men and women.
    Fulfilling that vow placed her in mortal danger while serving as an officer in the army medical Corps on her third deployment to a combat zone. The danger did not come from the enemy the soldiers she nursed battled; her enemy was the lust filled, murdering, rapist Commander of the unit she served in.
    I am uncertain which Agent listed here would be the right fit for the novel.

  15. Gosh. Good luck to you all. What baffles me is why we don’t give up. Everyone is an artist. Everyone is a photographer. Everyone is a writer. Agents can’t be bothered unless you are published. Publishers ditto without an agent. Perfectly understandable. Perfectly justified. This site is a HUGE improvement than wading through boring old W&A Yearbooks which are often out of date before they go to press. Being rich and famous has never been he aim I just think my book would make people laugh. Lumps of it did (published in mags). I wonder if I will ever throw in the towel.

  16. The question I pose is – do US agents and publishers actually read submissions before rejecting? I’m a British writer. I can self-publish in the UK, or go down the vanity press route, neither of which have any appeal. I’ve submitted to many here at home. In return standard reject slips have been received from those who have merely been approached with an enquiry, and where no manuscript has been submitted. I have suffered reject messages from those I’ve emailed and can see have not so much as opened the message, let alone the manuscript.

    Such unprofessional behaviour is discouraging and disheartening. I can accept rejects from those who have read my work, yet, to date, I have no evidence that has ever happened. This is particularly the case for those to whom work has not even been sent, yet is still rejected, emphasising very little is ever considered.

    I’ll give any game a go on a level playing field, but here I’m playing uphill, where the goal posts are ever moving, and the opposition referees the match. I fully accept my work will not appeal to all, and some could well be regarded as politically incorrect – but that does not make the work itself unpublishable or mean there is no profitable market for it. I’m not famously wealthy, a failed politician, nor a sports ‘personality’ – so it would seem there is no place for me in the closed shop of the British literary world. Does the New World offer better prospects? I seek no more than a chance to properly display my wares and be given a fair chance. Do I ask too much?

    1. Yes, you’re asking way too much. Nobody owes you a read. These people get 20,000 manuscripts in a year, and they don’t make money going through the slush pile (much easier to get referrals). You have to earn a read — don’t feel like you’re entitled to it.

      Most of the time, you have about 3 – 5 seconds to convince them that your query letter is good enough to continue reading. And that means you have to have a query letter that is so incredibly good (better than the hundreds of other query letters) that it compels them to read your manuscript.

    2. I know it’s frustrating to get rejections from publishers, especially the obvious ‘form letter’ ones. The larger question is why your work is getting rejected in the first place. The reasons could lie with the inherent problems with the publishing industry (i.e. too many unknowns all hoping for contracts), or could lie with the writing itself. What sort of feedback have you gotten from others about your work? It might be helpful to join a writers group, or maybe show your work to ‘book doctors’ who could help to ‘punch up’ your manuscripts.

    3. Interesting comment & interesting replies… I’m trying to get published myself, and have unfortunately come to similar conclusions through the research I was able to do. I think the core of the problem is the English publishing industry itself. It seems to be owned by basically 6 or 7 giant publishers who played a big game of monopoly and bought a lot of the successful small-middle presses and run the marketplace. The core of the problem is the power structure that this handful of conglomerates want to maintain in order to keep their place as gatekeepers within the industry. By default, there will be more agents, than publishers/editors, and more writers than agents,editors and publishing presses/houses combined. So it creates a sense of necessary arrogance within the industry. They make the person creating the work to feel like their lucky, fall on their knees to kiss the feet of the people who will allow their work into the public domain, when essentially, they are the ones who will profit off the work. So the arrogance of ‘not owing you anything’, is just another classic power play when supply is greater than demand. Same thing that happens in the job market. They like to perpetuate the good old fake idea that only really good things get published, only people really good at their job are successful. This, is obviously a lie, and I would even say that there is more bad out there than good. It’s just a way to justify power and exploitation. It’s also, by default, created a whole other industry around the industry where people make cash off of workshops, editing, ‘how to’s’, consultations, that at the end of the day have no real basis for being legitimate (even the ones through universities) and actually helping you improve your writing or get published. My guess is that individual agents and editors at publishing houses, know exactly what they want. So you explain the novel as succinctly as possible, and it’s a yes or a no from the get go. If they get hundreds of submissions a month, my guess is that it’s pretty immediate, and they’re not looking to be dazzled by the query letter because they just don’t have the time. Although some of these people/places create a long list of edgy adjectives and capital letter DONTs, purposefully obnoxious again, to show who has the power. I even watched an interview once that a judge for the man booker prize – who is also a writer that also had previously won – when asked how do you read and judge 200 books, she answered you know a book is good from the first 8 sentences. Like I mean, this is the ridiculous attitude. And my guess is while some writers, agents and editors believe in this, there a lot of them that don’t, but are unfortunately caught up in it because it’s their job. In an ideal world, and in the age of the internet, there should be more opportunities and spaces for genuine development for all kinds of writers writing all kinds of things. Unfortunately, it is what it is, and yes, it seems like if you don’t luck out with someone who actually reads something of your work and likes it, have the opportunity to speak with or connect with someone in the industry, or have an ‘in’ from Academia, it’s slim chances. But I mean, if you’re a writer, you just gotta say screw ’em and keep on writing 🙂

    4. No, Colin, you’re not asking too much. Here, in the USA, the same thing is happening. And I’m with you on not seeing the vanity press route as the least bit appealing. I received an offer for a publishing contract last week from Austin McCauley. I declined it, as they seem to think they can charge the author a hefty price tag to “publish” their novels. A true traditional publisher would not only NEVER as the author for money, but they’d also likely provide an advance. I feel an author has to be really desperate to go the vanity press route. Sadly, many do, and even claim a “big traditional publisher out of NYC.” published them. It’s bullshit. Austin McCauley is nothing but a hybrid model, the closest thing to self-publishing you can get, but worse in my POV because they are so expensive. For $3,100 you get an ebook and pbook! Weeeeee! Want audio or hardcover? It’s more like $6k. (USD) Criminals.

  17. I am a novelist/screenwriter/producer/reporter who has written a 10-book series and self-published on Amazon under K. A. Grant. Of course, this is after years and many rejection letters, which I feel grateful to have received. There were agents who didn’t even respond at all. After self-publishing my first two official novels, I’m thinking of seeking representation again. Wish me luck!

    Lastly, this list is helpful. Thank you!


    1. Agents generally don’t do novellas. I would recommend pitching it as a novel, if you can fudge a bit, or submitting directly to novella competitions.

  19. This list and the agent’s descriptions are like McDonalds by candlelight. There’s no hiding the industrial scale rancid truth that it’s not food and this isn’t about anything except the colonization of literature in the service of the entertainment corporations.

  20. I can tell, Grace, that you write. Just one comment. I browsed some those agents’ website and it seems to be some confusion in their definition of sci-fi and fantasy. Perhaps, they accept both equally 🙂

  21. Your agents requirements are ridiculous. I’m surprised they represent any authors at all, given their whimsical, pretentious and polarising lists of wants.
    Surely a good book is a good book.
    I’m attempting to get published myself, but I feel it’d be a waste of time sending anything in.

    1. It’s called specializing. Each agent has books they like, and publishers who know they like those books, so they can sell them more easily.

      It’s like experts in the medical field. You anesthesiologist is a “good doctor” but you don’t want him doing your surgery, or pulling your molars.

  22. Thank you for this work Grace. And I hope you get round to liking those two other novels. Maybe the idea that clinches them is just around the corner.

  23. Hello, I am seeking advice. I have a book I believe is ready to publish, problem is I am not a studied author and do not know how to navigate the industry. I have submitted it to a few literary agents for consideration, but I am wondering.
    I am finding that 80,000 words is a possible minimum for a novel. Mine is 55,200. Write more? Novella? I’m not sure.
    Also, I am uncertain as to what major differences may lie between the YA and the MG reader. Content? Language? The obvious subjects and language are assumed, but my book has a teen party with drugs and drinking, not to descriptive, but is the mention enough to qualify for YA rather than MG?

  24. I have no novels, books, or any published texts, but income from a large dysfunctional family of 12. Ive been searching for someone who could help me write down my thoughts and experiences and then them into a story. I am willing to be 100% vulnerable. I promise, it’ll e worthwhile.

  25. My story of growing up is something one of you are going to want. For now I am remaining anonymous, however ,I will leave a way for whoever wants to pick up on this a way to contact me. My story life story thus far has been quit the journey. It is FULL of loving homes to broken ones, plenty of loss of life and then some, love, hate and heartache, realizations from a young boy to adulthood, drugs, cartells, family ,$, ellegal street empires, violence, becoming a father . Rise to power and loss of, paid cops, murder, adventures, heroin ticoon controlling ALL of 1-5 and the west coast from north to South , the make of brotherhood and family strength relationships to the loss of it as well, suicides, girls, woman ,sex, travels abroad, being rich behind I ever imagined to a humbling disinicrated network of power to broke ass bullshit .being very humbled and lucky to be here still, attempts on my life only to persevere, a drug lord father with old mafia white old $ ties ,Mexican drug cartells, cartells and more. massive federal busts to undercover dea and fed agents, federal relocations, growing up with organized crime ittalian family and being the only white one . Son to Foster family who’s Foster father becoming a heroin ticoon. Overdoses, raising to kids by myself after disappearing for 12 years and counting. Smuggling of drugs, guns, . Saving a woman from sex slave pedo ring here in out own country, running, running scarred gun holding and paranoid, ptsd, and all the stories in between and the ones that come from this.
    And that’s not all . I will share my life story with one of you to publish. It still is unbelievable to myself my own story and the luck and skill it took to navigate their all this and still be alive. My story is one of truly humbling experiences. I would love to have it published to keep people away from life this way. To hopefully shed a strong ray if light into this dark world to keep people away from it,and to make some $ to live in peace with my daughter’s .to give them a life I didn’t get a chance to have. I have been humbled and would like to share my story with the world. Thank you for your time.

  26. I appreciate this content and comments. I am an experienced newspaper journalist and was taught the values of short, precise word-for-word writing. Generally, people have much less time for reading than they did just 20 years ago, and young people even less. Several writers have told me that the older length expectations are now obsolete. Short, fast-flowing content, easy to read content should be a priority with some sales-minded agents, but I don’t see it in the agency bios.

  27. Thanks for this webpage. Highly informative and a refreshing break from the many out there. My novel is a work of love, on love, compassion, and empathy in the wake of divorce, lost childhood, and abandoned in a far away land only to find love again, and a boy’s search for his father.

  28. Hello. Thank you for this webpage, its very useful. However, I’m wondering if there’s someone I can connect with who can can provide some guidance.

    I have a friend who has a beautiful inspirational story to share. One of perseverance, identity, and connecting to your why. Originally from Zimbabwe, running opened doors for him and brought him to the US. He ran for Riverside City College teams in the early 1990s before winning an individual NAIA title at 5,000m while competing for Cal Baptist. We don’t know the first thing about getting his story out but truly believe it is one that is worthy of sharing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  29. I have finished a manuscript for my third novel. I am naming the story, Immaculate. It is a story about a baby, Josiah Benton, that dreams he has lived out a full life on earth. One night he experiences a vision of five key events that will occur throughout his lifetime. The story becomes involved in living out those five key events before he sadly passes away at age 47. Please let me know if this is something of interest. It has a very controversial and thought provoking ending.

  30. Hi

    I was trying to e-mail a submission to Amy Bishop, but the e-mail bounced back. Please advise how to forward my submission.

    Thank you,

  31. Your title says agents looking to represent IN 2021, however I queried the first one on your list Noah Ballard, and shortly after, got a polite rejection letter from an assistant saying he is not looking to represent any new clients. I wondered if it was because I pointed out that I am older, although a successful best selling author and Pulitzer Prize nominee. But I also pointed out that I am a disabled Vietnam combat veteran. Age discrimination???? You tell me. Blessings, Don

  32. Winter of Red is a story that twists, turns and surprises until the very end. If you like history, adventure and intrigue with a dash of spirited love, then you will be engrossed by this tale of a peasant family, living on the moors of Yorkshire, unexpectedly caught up in the ravages of the English Civil War in 1642.
    Follow the exploits of young Tommy Rushworth as he tries to stay alive after being absconded into the Parliamentary Army. You will fear for Thomas Rushworth, his father, and his drunken grandfather, John Hargreaves, who race against time to save him from a war they wanted no part of.
    Back in Haworth, Thomas’ wife Agnes tries not to despair as she awaits the fate of her son and husband. Supported by her family, including William and Lucy, who have their own love story tested to the limit by the persecution of the steward of the manor (antagonist that comes good).
    Reading this novel one can immerse themselves within the tale and discover the more colourful, candid details of what it was like to live in this rebellious time. The story is full of colourful characters, beautiful backdrops and compelling action. The writing is very descriptive and is told in a way that places the reader in the time and place, so turn the page and step back in time.
    Winter of Red (135553 words) is an adventure tale solidly grounded in historical fact. The book will appeal to readers of historical fiction in the style of Ken Follett (Pillars of the Earth) and Noah Gordon (The Physician), and also to readers seeking a return to a similar style of the great Charles Dickens..
    I did the research for Winter of Red in Haworth, Yorkshire England and most of the locations mentioned in the book are real. I am a high school teacher, currently living in Sydney, and have lived and worked in four different countries and started my writing career five years ago when researching family history for my children.
    My first novel, Skulduggery has recently been re-released by Shawline Publishing of Melbourne, is selling very well, and is currently stocked by Booktopia. As my current publisher only distributes in Australia and New Zealand, I would like my novels Winter or Red, and my other completed novel, Dream of Courage, to be presented to a wider audience. I have been a guest on the ABC, BBC and America Tonight with Kate Delaney and my Skulduggery website receives almost 700 hits per week.

  33. Synopsis

    Driftless Summer takes place in Southwest Wisconsin, a beautiful area of steep hills and trout streams. The killers live a few hills away from Crane Maddox’s cabin where he and his brother-in-law go to golf and bike.
    Crane is an art teacher trying to get a sculpture business going. He would love to acquire another nice property in the area. Gerhard is his brother-in-law.
    Ray Olsen lives on a nearby farm and has recently lost his mother, so is alone now. He has a hobby of stone carving and has done some nice projects.
    Ray eventually meets Al Bumen, a teacher on medical leave with the promise of a job when he seeks treatment. Al hears voices, voices that tell him to kill.
    At first the chapters alternate between Crane and Gerhard and Ray, and later, Al joins the story.

  34. I would like to see if Beitt Siess would like to take a look at my fantasy book, The Crown of Shadnarr. The book is set in a fantasy world created by high radation after a nuclear war.