There are nearly 1 million children’s books published each year. How can you make sure yours stands out?
You can hire me, a professional children’s book editor, to ensure your book is top-notch.
I’ve edited more than 1,000 children’s books, both self-published and traditionally published, and I’d love to help you.
3 Ways I Can Help
Refine the Story
Will every child end your book with a smile? I help you fine-tune the story so that kids will want to read it again and again. To do this, you have to avoid cliched stories, stoke rising action, get the pacing right, and have a climax.
Focus on Characters
Are you creating memorable characters? Do your characters have wide appeal? Do they stand apart from other characters? My advice will help you create a character that children won’t ever forget.
Focus on Language
The difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between desert and dessert. The most common edit I make is condensing — most writers have extra phrases tacked on, and because children’s books are so short, every word carries enormous weight.

About Me
I’ve been an editor since 2009, and children’s books are one of my favorite books to work with. I’ve helped more than 1,000 children’s book authors achieve their dream of publication.
I am a member of SCBWI, the biggest society of children’s book authors in the world, and I’ve also taught creative writing at 4 universities in Southern California. My book, “I Will Shout Your Name,” is published by Press 53.
I also run Bookfox Press, which publishes children’s books (we make it easy for you!).
On a personal note, I have twin boys who are 7, and I read to them every night from our collection of children’s books.
Editing Steps
- You contact me with any questions you might have, and I answer them.
- You use the Paypal button below, and email me your manuscript in a Word/text file.
- In 7 days I get back to you with edits within the manuscript and an essay describing what your story is doing well and where it could be improved.
- If you have any questions about my comments, I clarify what I meant.
Do I edit multiple times?
Well, if you want me to read your revised manuscript, I can give you a thumbs up or down for free.
If you wanted a second round of feedback like the first round, with an essay and notes in the margin, I can do that for a discounted rate.
Authors I’ve Helped
This is a small sample of writers who have taken my course and/or gotten editing from me.My Style of Editing:
I am both gentle and firm.
I make a point of telling you all the wonderful things in your story, but also gently suggest the places where it could improve.
As a writer myself, I know it’s difficult showing your work to the world, and I want to encourage you through the revision process.
If you want me to be harder or easier on you, feel free to tell me that in an email when you send your stories, and I can accommodate your needs.
Pricing for Children’s Picture Books:
- Under 500 words: $550
- 500 – 1,000 words $650
- 1,000 – 2,000 words: $750
- 2,000 – 3,000 words: $850
- 3,000 – 4,000 words: $950
Also, these prices are for a single story. Two children’s picture books under the word limit would be more (because I’m writing two feedback essays).
Contact me for pricing if you have multiple stories, and I can give you a discount.
If you need help publishing your children’s book, please look at the Bookfox Press page.
After you’ve paid, email your manuscript to the email below.

Got a question? Contact me.