Bookforum reviews Donald Barthelme’s new collection of short stories, Flying to America: 45 More Stories. But only three of the stories are brand new.
Over at A Work In Progress, there’s a post about John Cheever’s short stories and their adaptations into theater pieces.
The Village Voice reviews Wanda Coleman’s new collection, Jazz and Twelve O’Clock Tales. They also have a review of a collection I just read, Elizabeth Crane’s You Must Be This Happy To Enter (it’s in the sidebar).
Lastly, the Globe and Mail has a review of In the Mist, by Devon Code.
In the first story of Devon Code’s debut collection, 10 pages unspool an hour of real time, offering a fully realized portrait of a mid-life drunk seeing, and denying, that he has destroyed his family. Herb, with bottle, comes home to a silent house and a goodbye note on the fridge. We see home as he does, our eyes his, settling on familiar things drained of meaning: the plastic daisy fridge magnet, orange ceramic flour and sugar crocks, the calendar with a note on today’s date: “scrub the floor.”
I think you should link the “Collections Read” books in your sidebar to your reviews of the books.
Just a thought from a faithful reader.
Dear Lovely Faithful Reader,
Would love to do that except: (1) I link to amazon so I can earn a percentage when someone buys it. (2) I don’t always offer reviews of everything I read.
If those things weren’t true, it probably would be better to link to it, you’re right, but I’m just trying to get by.
But thanks for the suggestions – I’m always trying to look for ways to improve BookFox.
Cheever is great. “The Enormous Radio,” “The Swimmer,” and “The Country Husband” are some of my favorite short stories (probably top 20).