Writers can often feel burned out or directionless. Here are 5 podcasts for writers to help inspire, educate, entertain, and get them in the right mindset.
Writers can often feel burned out or directionless. Here are 5 podcasts for writers to help inspire, educate, entertain, and get them in the right mindset.
It doesn’t matter what you call it — flash fiction, sudden fiction, micro fiction, short-short — stories under 1000 words offer a quick zing of literary delight. But have you ever wondered whether anyone actually read your flash fiction piece you published online? This list gives you a good idea of how many eyeballs it reached by ranking the […]
I love podcasts for writers. Why? Because I can learn about my favorite author’s writing process while I’m folding towels, and get great advice about creating characters while commuting. Below I’ve categorized my favorite 42 podcasts for writers into five categories: Writing Craft The Business of Writing Revising and Editing Genre Podcasts Author Interviews I’ve […]
Writers hate the term genre. Readers love it. This is because genre creates expectations. Will these characters be able to fly, shapeshift, fall in love? Whether you choose to follow these expectations or not is up to you! But it is nice to be able to explain your story to agents, publishers, and readers using […]
This is a parable of a writer named Austin, and how he found his audience through writing four novels. Austin lived near a major metropolis in the United States, was middle class, and he wanted more than anything to become a writer. He read all the right people, went to all the right conferences, and […]
What makes or breaks your novel is what exists before you write your first word: your central concept. The concept is so important. And yet it’s something that’s usually neglected when talking about writing craft. That’s because it’s much easier to talk about sentences, or plot, or characterization, or beginnings — or really anything else. […]
So many articles about book clubs seem to be written by people who have never belonged to a book club. Boring, obvious information. I’m going to change that here. I have a lot of firsthand experience: My book club is called the Bookhouse Boys (yes, we have a name!). We’re five guys who’ve been meeting […]
Unless you prefer to write only with pen on paper, you probably use technology to help you write. Well, why not upgrade your technology in the hopes of upgrading your writing? Check out the helpful technologies and softwares below which are the best tools to spur your writing along. Also, some of links below include […]
Hey Bookfoxers, it can be difficult to find a writing community in your area, even if you’re an established writer. It’s especially hard if you’re not in a major metropolis. I mean, writers are on in every street corner in San Francisco or New York, but if you’re in a smaller city or suburbs or […]
Have young people cornered the market on writing? I only ask because it seems like the big publishing companies tend to reward the prodigy model: you know, the wunderkinds who graduate from a prestigious university and get a seven-figure advance for a novel about New York or a YA fantasy series. They have cherubic cheeks […]