A great metaphor will have distance between the metaphor and the original object. It’s very important that they’re unlike. The more different your metaphors are from the thing described, the more surprising they will be, and the more they will help your reader to understand. Metaphor Mistakes Highly similar metaphors. For instance, “a pool in […]
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- 13 Mistakes Beginning Writers Should Avoid
1. Present Tense This is the default tense of nearly all beginning writers. The trouble is that few established authors use it. It’s more of an exception than the rule. So when you write your book in present tense, it’s like you’re marking it with a giant stamp that screams to every agent, publishers, and […]
- How to Mention Your Title Inside Your Novel
There are many posts about how to title your book. Even Bookfox has one. But not as many writers concentrate on how to discuss the book title inside the book. It’s a powerful moment when the reader finally encounters the title of the book inside the pages of the story, and yet we don’t talk […]
- 11 Examples of Fight Scenes
One of the best ways to learn how to write is to learn by imitation. So if you want to write a fight scene, you should look at writers who have come before you. Below are a variety of fight scenes: some just with fists, some with weapons like swords, spears, and knives. All of […]
- 5 Amazing Podcasts to Help a Writer’s Mindset
Writers can often feel burned out or directionless. Here are 5 podcasts for writers to help inspire, educate, entertain, and get them in the right mindset.
- 21 Rules to Write a Fight Scene
It’s time to write a big fight scene in your novel, but you don’t want to botch it. That’s understandable. I’ve read enough badly written fight scenes to know that it’s truly easy to write a boring, predictable fight scene with nothing at stake, where the reader doesn’t even care who wins by the end. […]
- The Best and Worst Months to Submit to Agents & Publishers
Guest post by Mark Gottlieb So you are a hopeful writer looking to become a published author and your novel is getting rejected right and left, but maybe the problem isn’t the plot or characters or ideas. Maybe you’re just submitting at the wrong time. Is there a wrong and right time to submit? Yes. […]
- 4 Ways to Write Summary in your Fiction (and avoid Scenes)
Everyone tells you to write scenes. To show, not tell. But what if that was … bad advice? Or at least limiting advice, because virtually every great book in history uses summary and “telling” in at least a few places in the book. And surprisingly, some books use summary for MOST of the book. And […]
- How to Write Characters on Drugs (33 Examples from Novels)
When one of your characters is on drugs, you want to accurately portray the thoughts, actions, and speech of what someone would say on such a drug. But some of you might not want to take Ecstasy or Cocaine or Toad Venom in the course of your casual “writing research.” This post will rescue you! […]